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Welcome To New Cambridge Senior Secondary School

Dear parents,
Thank you for your interest in our school.

New Cambridge Senior Secondary School opened in 1999 upto class 2nd with around 50 students in the inaugural year. Today in the current year our school has progressed to class 12th with options of commerce and science for the higher secondary students. Our building is fantastic! The design incorporates the latest thinking in planning and layout, taking care of the building standards and information technology. The classroom resources are all of the best of quality. Being part of a new and developing school community is very exciting. There are many opportunities for children, parents, and staff to be an integral part of the shaping of this new community.

Education is a partnership between home and school and we place a great deal of emphasis on our partnership with parents. We believe that children learn best when home and school work together for their benefit. When your child starts school, it is not where your job ends and ours begins. It is where our job begins and yours continues! Children coming into the school bring a wealth of knowledge and understanding about the world around them. It is our aim to build on these skills and promote a willingness and enthusiasm to learn more.

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Our Core Value

Our top core values as a school should represent the priorities of
Academic Excellence, Fidelity to Values, Celebrating Multiculturalism & Comprehensive Growth

  • Academic Excellence

    Developing a strong academic foundation through critical thinking, curiosity, and invention. Encourage a lifelong passion of learning and the pursuit of knowledge.

  • Fidelity to Values

    Encourages honesty, accountability, and moral standards in every aspect of life. Promoting justice and ethical behavior in students and staff.

  • Celebrating Multiculturalism

    Value and respect India's cultural, linguistic, and regional variety. Providing equal opportunity for all students, regardless of their background, aptitude, or identity.

  • Comprehensive Growth

    Promote balanced development in academics, physical health, emotional intelligence, and extracurricular activities to develop well-rounded persons.

Friendly atmosphere for all kids

A Swiss follower of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s belief in the inherent goodness of children helper.

The New Cambridge Senior Secondary Schoolwas developed in the nineteenth century by Friedrich Froebel, a German reformer and educator. He built upon the ideas of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi.

  • Full Day Sessions
  • Varied Classes
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Parents Says

With the help of teachers and the environment as the third teacher, students
have opportunities to confidently take risks.

We are truly appreciative for your devotion and passion in influencing our children's futures. The supportive environment, motivating teachers, and well-rounded curriculum you provide help them thrive intellectually, emotionally, and socially.

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Mohd. Khan

Thank you for being our children's second home and for your ongoing efforts to positively impact their lives. Together, we are creating a brighter future!

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Pooja Sharma

About New Cambridge Senior Secondary School

New Cambridge Senior Secondary School opened in 1999 upto class 2nd with around 50 students in the inaugural year.