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Aims & Beliefs

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School Aims

  • To prepare students to be independent life-long learners and to be successful and positive members of society.
  • To promote creativity, confidence and determination.
  • To encourage students to have high expectations.
  • To develop self esteem and mutual respect.
  • To show that if we are positive we can achieve more.

  • School Beliefs

  • That everyone is important and everything that they do matters.
  • That learning gives us life chances.
  • That doing ‘the best we can’ is fantastic.
  • That we should all be honest with ourselves and others.
  • That the world is a wonderful place and we owe it to everyone to ensure.
  • Make the most of it and every opportunity it offers.
  • Understand that we share it with others.
  • Take care of it and all those in it.
  • This will be done through:

  • 1. Recognising and providing for individual needs.

  • 2. Valuing and respecting all forms of achievement.

  • 3. Creating a supportive physical and social climate.

  • 4. Helping individuals review their own progress and establish challenging goals for the future.

  • 5. Ensuring that everyone knows what is expected of them.

  • 6. Working together with the community.

  • 7. Valuing people equally.

  • Success Inspires Success: The school motto serves as a constant reminder to the school community of students and teachers that small successes will motivate the individual to strive for greater achievements.


    Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Integrity, Care, Harmony.

    About New Cambridge Senior Secondary School

    New Cambridge Senior Secondary School opened in 1999 upto class 2nd with around 50 students in the inaugural year.